Almost Padipoyindhe Pilla song lyrics were written by Purnachary and the music was composed by Leon James. Adithya RK and Leon James are the singers of the Almost Padipoyindhe Pilla song. Vishwaksen Das Ka Dhamki is the latest Telugu movie of Vishwaksen. Almost Padipoyindhe Pilla song lyrics are available in Telugu and English.
Almost Padipoyindhe Pilla Song lyrics English
Almost Padipoyindhe Pilla Pilla Almost Padipoyindhe Pilla Pilla Pilla Sunure Janu Dhillu Chejarenu Adhire Kannu Konte Pilla Pilla O Full Moonu Unna Ne Clowd Nainu Vodka Win’u Nuvve Pilla Pilla Hey Saawariya Cheliya Kontega Navvestunte Na Dhuniya Renduga Aypothunnade Ni Maniya Sathiya Mayalo Manasu Paddana Naalo Ne Lena A A A Almost Padipoyindhe Pilla Chempaku Pimple Laa Almost Padipoyindhe Pilla Kallaku Rey Ban-Laa Almost Padipoyindhe Pilla Manduku Manching Laa Almost Padipoyindhi Pilla Pilla Pilla Le Le Le Maza Le Le Le Maza Le Le Le Maza Pilla Jilla Le Le Le Maza Le Le Le Maza Le Le Le Maza Pilla Jilla Ni Chutte Thiruguthu Karuguthu Ipudu Mari Na Timu Chethike Dorakatlede Ni Venake Urukulu Parugulu Peduthu Mari Na Heart Vegame Teliyatlede Rojoka Seasonu Edho Oo Reasonu Cheppesthu Kapestunnane Nuvvunte Rajunu Nuvve Oxygenu No Ante No More Ne Ne A A A Almost Padipoyindhe Pilla Chempaku Pimple Laa Almost Padipoyindhe Pilla Kallaku Rey Ban Laa Almost Padipoyindhe Pilla Manduku Manching Laa Almost Padipoyindhi Pilla Pilla Pilla Le Le Le Maza Le Le Le Maza Le Le Le Maza Pilla Jilla Le Le Le Maza Le Le Le Maza Le Le Le Maza Pilla Jilla
Almost Padipoyindhe Pilla Song lyrics Telugu
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Watch Almost Padipoyindhe Pilla Video Song
More details about Almost Padipoyindhe Pilla song lyrics
Song Name: Almost Padipoyindhe Pilla
Movie Name: Das Ka Dhamki
Singers: Adithya RK, Leon James
Music Composers: Leon James
Lyrics Writer: Purnachary
Staring Credits: Vishwaksen
Vishwaksen Das Ka Dhamki movie hit song Almost Padipoyindhe Pilla song. Purnachary is the lyrics writer and Adithya RK, Leon James are the singers and Leon James is the music composer for the Leon James Almost Padipoyindhe Pilla song. The staring credits goes to Vishwaksen and Nivetha Pethuraj.
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